1. All kinds of personal belongings are supposed to be kept in the baggage rack at the entrance.
2. Library staff will not be responsible for things left in the library hall.
3. The library runs on ‘closed access’ system. Students will not be allowed to enter in the library shelving area.
4. Library Card is compulsory for all library transactions.
5. The newspaper(s) should be folded properly after reading and kept back in the designated place.
6. All the students are required to bring one copy of their recent photographs (Passport Size) along with the Fee Receipt while applying for Library membership.
7. All the students are advised to bring their own Identity Cards while using the Library reading room.
8. The Readers shall keep silence within the library premises.
9. Smoking is not permitted in the Library.
10. Use of mobiles phones are strictly prohibited inside the library.
11. Beverages and Eatables are not allowed inside the library.
12. No visitor or guest is permitted to use the Library without the prior permission of the Librarian.
13. No photograph of the Library shall be taken without the prior permission of the Librarian.
14. Library reserves the right to call back any issued book/item at any time.
15. Demand and book recommendation slips are available at the circulation desk for your use.
16. The library committee reserves the right to modify any of these rules as and when required.
Transaction Rules
1. The readers have to get the library membership in order to borrow books from the Library
2. No Library material can be taken out of the Library without permission of the Librarian.
3. Students have to place the requisition of books in the box at the circulation counter.
4. The students have to wait until the library staff fetches the requested book from the library shelf.
5. Issue and Return of books should be made on first come first serve basis.
6. The physical condition of the book should be checked while issuing out. Mutilation of pages if found is to be brought to the notice of the library staff otherwise the borrower will be responsible for mutilation of the book if detected afterwards.
7. Books of reference, multi-volume Collections, serial publications and periodicals will not be issued out.
8. Books will be issued only on the specified schedule of library transaction.
9. Books must be returned/renewed on or before the due date (15 days).
10. Books will be reissued for not more than three times.
11. Overdue charges (Late Fee) is at the rate of Re. 1/- only per day.
12. In case of loss of this card, a duplicate card will be issued on payment of Rs. 10/- only.
13. Students should to check the issued book before leaving the circulation counter. The present borrower will be responsible if any discrepancy found later on.
14. Readers are requested to handle Library books carefully to avoid damage.
15. In case of damage/mutilation of the document, the borrower will be liable to pay the amount of the book damaged.
16. In case of loss of book, the borrower will be liable to replace with a same copy of the book else twice of the price of the book will be charged as compensation.
17. Documents belonging to ‘Reference’ category will not be issued.
18. Readers should not deface, mark, cut, mutilate or damage library resources in any way. If anyone is found doing so, he will be charged the full replacement cost of the resource. Books Borrowed should be protected from RAIN, DUST, INSECT, etc.
19. All the students who want to return the books issued on their names are advised to wait until the books are cleared from their names.
20. Students are advised not to hand over their borrowed books to other.
21. Library books cannot be photocopied because of copyright laws.
22. Violating the rules and regulations of the Library may cause in losing the library membership.