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Career Counselling

Career Counselling


College has a career counseling cell being run with financial assistance from U.G.C. It provides information and guidance regarding the future career planning of the students. It is also conducting the value added courses on functional English and computer literacy. Also different types of influential lecture have been organized by this cell to show the future job opportunity for the students. This cell is doing their collaborative work with “Utkarsha Bangla” and “George Telegraph”.


Career Counselling Cell of Vivekananda Satavarshiki Mahavidyalaya regularly organizes lectures through resource persons who are invited from various fields and provide their views on diverse range of topics. These valuable conversations help students to develop their - positive attitude, self-confidence and have information   about   job prospects in the market. Mr. Debashish Bhattacharya, one of the resource persons and a specialist in career guidance, has delivered multiple lectures. He visited different departments, interacted with students, and provided subject specific guidance. Students were provided with printed copy of resource materials after each lecture. The   organized   sessions   are   listed below.
A lecture on 'Career in Physical education and Sports' was organized on 03.02.17. Sixty students from Physical Education and NCC had actively participated in the program and duly interacted with the resource person. Study materials were also provided to students. Students were guided by providing information on opportunities available and how to obtain timely information.
On 22.09.17, a session on 'Finding Central Government Job' for multidisciplinary students was organised. This session was greatly beneficial for the students, as it provided information on useful websites, blog and online advertisement portals from where they can get details of job opening. Additionally, career in Nursing and Union Public Service Commission was greatly discussed. The process of obtaining syllabus for different Competitive exams and admission notices for vocational trainings was also shown to students.
On 22.12.17, another lecture on 'Career in Defence Services' was organized. Almost 100 students had attended the lecture and actively engaged in obtaining information from the resource person. Students were trained on how to crack interview, how to improve interpersonal skill, and proper management skill at workplace.
One of the sessions in the series was related to 'West Bengal Staff Selection Commission'. All details related to the same were the main focus of discussion with the students. How to fill online application form and submit before deadline was demonstrated. Additionally, students were appraised on WBCS exams.
A day was dedicated to give information and material on 'Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)' for everyone. Students can use them for their study purpose without buying them.
On 16.05.2018, a lecture was delivered on different 'Government, Private, and Industrial Scholarships' available for different level of students. Eligibility criteria, how to apply and benefits of the same were discussed.

On 14.09.18, 'Career in Marshal Arts and Fitness Management' was the topic of discussion. Information on getting training on those areas at different district level center was provided.
01.03.19: 'Opportunities on Local Handicrafts and local Languages' was the topic of the lecture.
On 19.11.19, a mega program with more than 100 students on 'Benefit and Use of Computer Literacy' was organized.
 A session was organized on Personality development. How to build self-confidence and how to crack personal interview and telephonic interview was thoroughly discussed with students.

Career Guidance Classes
 Classes of career counselling began in July 2017 and continued till March 2018, thrice a week. It was taken by Mrs. Anindita Ghosh. Each of these classes was an hour long class which comprised dissemination of knowledge and distribution of study materials among students concerning competitive examinations and general knowledge. Response of these career counselling classes was extremely positive. The total number of enrolled students was 122 for these classes. Brain storming, group discussion and lectures were some of the popular methods of teaching, which were successfully employed in these classes by Mrs. Anindita Ghosh. Students attended these career counselling classes in huge number. Students' interest in these classes grew particularly as they received study materials regarding general knowledge. From civil services (State and Central) to Bank competitive examination to SSC et al. syllabus and process related to all these competitive exams were regularly discussed in these classes. Apart from these classes time to time seminars with the people workings in various fields also interacted with the students. In order to impart the competitive skills among the students, on a regular basis - brainstorming sessions and various free mock tests was also included in these classes. Students were given opportunity to analyze their shortcomings and strengths in a positive way. Career Counselling Cell has also established a cordial and academic relationship with various coaching institutions and skill developing firms. They too help the students through various strategies and opportunities. Career Counselling Cell remains confident in channelizing these classes in future as well. These classes not only impart education about employment but it also prepares them psychologically.
Free 'mock test' for competitive Examinations
A 'mock test' for competitive Examinations has been organized by Career Counseling cell of the College in collaboration with G.S.C.E on 10-01-2018. Over 130 students registered themselves for this mock test, and 101 students appeared in the mock test held on 10-01-2018. The duration of exam was of 60 minutes. This activity garnered the likes of the student fraternity because of their future leanings towards competitive exams and government jobs.
 Workshop in collaboration with ABP Ananda and Gillette
A workshop was organized in association with ABP Ananda (A leading media outlet of West Bengal) and Gillette on 25.05.2018. Near about 60 students was present in the event. The expert team of ABP  Ananda informed students about the career prospects in journalism, both print and electronic media. ABP Ananda group also took an interview for selecting some suited candidate for their service. One of our students - Mr. Bishwarup Ghosh was selected in the screening process, which took place during their visit to our college. The final step of this selection process occurred in Kolkata, where too he was selected.


Seminar on Employment linked Skill Development Programme
A seminar on 'Employment linked Skill Development Programme' was organized by career counselling cell at Vivekananda Satavarshiki Mahavidyalaya on 07.09.2018 in collaboration with Enlightenment Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Over 100 students participated in this seminar. The seminar enhanced their knowledge and provided them guidance towards the jobs prospects related skill development.
14. 09.18: 'Career in Marshal Arts and Fitness Management' was the topic of discussion. Information on getting training on those areas at different district level center was provided.
Motivational seminar on 'value-added' courses
A motivational seminar on 'value-added' courses for students was organized on 06.10.2018 by the    Career Counselling Cell and IQAC of the college jointly in collaboration with Nivedita Gramin Karma Mandir. The said seminar was conducted in keeping the socio economic condition of the students in mind. A large number of students were benefited through this seminar.
 01.03.19: 'Opportunities on Local Handicrafts and local Languages' was the topic of the lecture.
  A session was organized on Personality development. How to build self-confidence and how to  crack personal interview and telephonic interview was thoroughly discussed with students.



Career Guidance Seminar by Indian Army
Vivekananda Satavarshiki Mahavidyalaya, Mankipara, along with its Career Counselling Cell and Indian army -duly organised a seminar on Career Guidance for its students on 09.08.2019. The idea behind the seminar was to discover various facets related to Indian forces (Armed Forces/ Paramilitary Forces/ State Police et. al.) and job perspectives attached to the same. More than 65 students was present in the event.
A group of Army personnel with all their valuable time came to the college and under the guidance of Principal Madam interacted with the students. The college with its legacy of National Cadet Crops have also shown interest in the concept of national service. N.C.C. Companies for Boys and Girls of the college are under 25 Bengal Bn N.C.C. The basic aim of N.C.C is to develop leadership qualities, sense of discipline, sense of devotion for national and social cause etc. N.C.C. Unit of the college is one of the best in the state. Our cadets have made their presence felt at State and National levels and have already  won 06 Governors medals. So, as the chance came to listen about the future perspective of armed forces by the people who has worked in armed forces; students attended the seminar with utmost dedication and discipline.
One by one the speakers came and spoke on various perspectives related to the jobs in Armed forces. They duly defined the legacies and hierarchies - related to the Armed forces and how to approach the same. Students were eager to know the differences between Armed Forces, Paramilitary Forces (ITBP, CRPF, CISF et.al.) and Police Services and Army personnel duly clarified their all doubts. From the history of armed forces since Colonial times to post independent world of Indian subcontinent - the stories and legacies was duly explained and students energetically participated in it. Job perspectives in Armed forces come with a certain amount of positive spirit and strong intellect. Along with the risk factor the respect overwhelms everyone. And that sense of respect  and strong intellect needs to be channelized into our future generations for nation building. The particular seminar not only allowed students to ponder upon the aspects related to employment in armed forces, but also inspired and boosted their moral capabilities.The team of Vivekananda Satavarshiki Mahavidalya duly provided a 'thank you note' to the team of Armed Forces - who came to interact with our students. The college firmly believes in nation building by creating opportunities and carving future cadres through these career guidance seminars.
RICE's Free class for the preparation of W.B.C.S. Exam
A free class for imparting information about the basics of W.B.C.S. examination for the final year students from different colleges had been held on 22.12.2019 at Rice Center, Puratan Bazar, Kharagpur. A large number of students from second and third year of our college were present in the event to enrich themselves.
A Programme with 'Step Up Skill Foundation'
Vivekananda Satavarshiki Mahavidyalaya, Mankipara, along with its Career Counselling Cell and "STEP UP SKILL FOUNIDATION" organized a seminar for all the present and Ex-Students of the college. It was for the purpose of Employment of Youths Throueh Skilled Trainine initiatiyes. It was held on 21.02.2019. Over 100 students were a part of this seminar for enrichment of their knowledge and variedjob prospects.


Online Spoken English Course

An online Spoken English Course and Certification from British Council along with Career and 
Personality Development Course for College Students through the support of CSC (e--Governance 
Services India Limited, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government  oflndia) 
bad been organized on July 2020. A group of 100 students were admitted into the course. Remembering 
the Covid-19 pandemic an online platform of learning was offered and provided to the students 
without violating social distancing policy. Inthis course the main focus was to develop students 
communicating skill and also on various dimension of their personality to face a job interview.

Skill Development and Placement Opportunity Orientation Program

Anudip Foundation is an renown coaching institution for jobs and personality development. Where a 
large number of people had been benefited in past few years. Inthe COVID-19 pandemic situation we 
have taken initiative to organize an Orientation Program in collaboration with Anudip Foundation . 
On 1glh November 2020 Orientation Program organized by us titled as Skill Development and Placement 
Opportuoity, from 11:30 am -12:30pm. In the online platform of Google Meet. Thirty students were 
involved in this program.

Orientation Program with Rice

RICE Education is the realization of that long-nurtured dream, which was set up with a strong 
promise of providing quality training and education of young bright-eyed aspirants for government 
jobs. The aim was to strike a balance between the academic orientation of the mainstream education 
system and the needs of industry and governance, which has been perfected over the years. On 
November 20th 2020 an Orientation Program was organized by us with the help of   RICE Education 
Kharagpur branch at 3.00 p.m. through the online platform of Zoom cloud meeting. An online DEMO Class was also a part of the 
program.  A group of 32 students were a part of this program.

Career Counseling Program with TCS

Tata Consultancy Services is an Indian multinational information technology services and consulting 
company headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India with its largest campus located in Chennai, 
Tamil Nadu, India. As of February 2021, TCS is the largest IT services company in the world by 
market capitalization. We wanted to motivate students in the non government sectors for job at the 
end their study remembering the lack ofjobs in government sectors.
On 23rd November 2020 we have arranged an Online Conference with collaboration with TCS to inform 
the students about different types of jobs aspects in the IT sector. It was arranged through the 
online platform of Google meet from 11.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. A group of 29 students were a part of 
this program.

Career Opportunities and Skill Development
Anudip Foundation transforms lives by creating aspirational livelihoods through digital inclusion 
in emerging economies. A non - profit company with operations in India and USA, Anudip has been 
empowering motivated young job aspirants from difficult backgrounds since 2007. Anudip 
beneficiaries, youth and women, are from high-need, marginalized communities. They are led through 
a process of continuous improvement, in-depth and diverse training and continuous mentoring at the 
various skill development training centres across India.
On 28th of May 2021, under the guidance of respected Principal Madam and Career Counselling Cell - 
a webinar on Career Opportunities and Skill Development was conducted by Anudip Foundation through 
the online platform of Google-meet. More than one hundred and Sixty students {160 +) participated 
in the webinar and tried to understand and engage with Anudip's Foundation perspective. Students 
diligently listened to the respected speakers Mr Utpal Krishna Ghosh and Miss Gargi Chatterjee. 
From Career opportunities to interview skills to roadmap for the job oriented market was discussed 
in the webinar. They also gave information about their own grooming strategies, regional centres, 
courses and fees attached to it.

The webinar/Session focused  upon engaging students with Anudip's approaches and perspectives 
towards the market oriented job economy and how to prepare for the same. We all live in the world 
which remains evolving and constantly growing. The present generation needs to update themselves 
with the job market and demands of the same. Anudip foundation through its session - tried to 
imbibe the values, ethos of contemporary job market economy and its requirements among the upcoming 
graduates of our college. They also discussed how their organization not only inspires new 
graduates for the career oriented mindset, but also how they through their own welfare approach can 
prepare students for the various jobs. Towards the end of the session students exchanged their 
views and queries with the foundation's speakers. And with a huge response and exchanges the 
session ended on a positive note.



National Webinar on – Career Opportunities in Yoga
Resource Person : Dr. Tarak Nath Pramanik, Assistant Professor
Indira Gandhi Institute of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, New Delhi
Webinar Date and time: 13th July, 2021, 11.30am - 12.30pm
Webinar Platform: Google Meet
Chief Patron: Dr. Uma Bhaumik Principal, V. S. Mahavidyalaya
Organizing committee: Prof. H.N. Prasad, Prof. Sadiya Afrin, Prof. Rahul Mondal, Dr. Biplove Kumar, Ms. Dipali Maity, Mr.Soumitra Pal

A national level webinar was organised by Career Counselling Cell, Vivekananda Satavarshiki
Mahavidyalaya, under the guidance of Principal Dr. Uma Bhaumik on Career opportunities in Yoga,
dated 13th July, 2021. The chief speaker and resource person of the webinar was Dr. Tarak Nath
Pramanik. Dr Pramanik works as an Assistant Professor at Indira Gandhi Institute of Physical
Education and Sports Sciences, New Delhi.
In his deeply knitted talk Dr Pramanik, discussed the idea of Yoga right from Ancient India, to the importance of Yoga in our modern times. He enlightened students about the benefits and daily practise of yoga. He focussed on soul enrichment along with physical attributes of health. Students were attracted towards his idea that - as to how yoga enriches both body and soul.
With regards to career opportunities, Dr Pramanik outlined the importance which Yoga has received under the Government of India and various State Governments. He outlined the academic exercise of Yoga right from graduation to research level. He also informed students about the various study centres in India and how to approach the same. Moving beyond the academic exercise, which for him remain the core for the career opportunities in the field - he informed about the career opportunities in the field too. Right from becoming a personal trainer to Yoga centre owner to a many opportunities in academic field all were discussed in details. In the end he also discussed the importance of practising Yoga in the times of global pandemic. A group of 60 students was a part of the webinar and learned various facets about Yoga and various career opportunities related to the same.

State level webinar on
" Career as a Company Secretary "
Resource Person: Mousumi Banerjee, Member of ICSI
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India - Eastern
India Regional Council ICSIEIRC HOUSE, 3A, Ahiripukur,
1st Lane, Kolkata-700019

A career as company secretary is regarded as one of the senior-most positions in a private company 
or in a public sector organisation. In western parts of the world, a company secretary is generally 
known as corporate secretary or corporate lawyer; but a company secretary does a lot more than just 
handling the legal matters. To some extent yes, a company secretary job is to supervise the legal 
decisions pertaining to management and business of any corporation. In other words, a company 
secretary's duties involve a strong administration within the firm, managing compliance, and 
ensuring that all the decisions taken by the board of directors are implemented thoroughly.
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) is a premier national professional body in 
India under the  ownership of Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India with the objective 
of promoting, regulating and developing the profession of company secretaries in India. It is 
headquartered in New Delhi, has four regional offices at New Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata and Mumbai and 
has 70 chapters around the country.
A person is eligible to apply for membership by passing all three levels of examinations that is 
CSEET (earlier Foundation), Executive and Professional prescribed by ICSI and completing Short term 
and Long term practical training.
The members of the ICSI are highly qualified Professionals playing key role in ensuring compliance 
with the laws and promoting sound Corporate Governance practices in Indian Corporates. The current 
President of ICSI is CS Devendra V deshpande and Vice President is CS Manish Gupta as of 2022.
We wanted to motivate our students for choosing career as company secretary. So a webinar has been 
arranged by us through the online platform of Google meet on 17.08.2021. CS Mousumi Banerjee, 
Member of ICSI was the recourse person of the webinar. We should note that 26 students were 
interested and attended webinar.

The importance of building a career plane and developing soft skills  at an early career stage

In the face of the global COVID-19 pandemic, schools have confronted unprecedented challenges as 
they moved to quickly shift classes to an online format, provide equitable access for all students, 
support teachers’ and students’ educational needs, and make plans amidst great uncertainty. The 
pandemic itself has caused much worry, stress, and grief. These stressors can cause mental health 
challenges for anyone and can cause acute symptoms to appear for people who may experience 
preexisting mental health challenges.
Some of the typical indicators teachers may use to identify students experiencing mental health 
difficulties may not be available. Some teachers may not be meeting with students in person. Some 
teachers may not have the same student drop-ins. Some teachers may not be able to read students’ 
masked faces. As such, teachers may wonder how students are doing or the degree to which they are 
struggling, particularly with respect to emotional problems.
Dr. Kankana Ghoshal is a researcher, educator, and former lecturer at UCLA. She did her BSc from 
the Department of Botany, Surendranath College, and her M.Sc from the University of Calcutta. She 
completed her Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, followed by 
postdoctoral training at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA. She presented her 
research work at several conferences and professional meetings during her research career and has 
several publications in peer-reviewed international journals.

Remembering the importance of building a career plane and developing soft skills at an early career 
stage an international webinar has been arranged by us on 24.08.2021 through the online platform of 
Google meet titled as The importance of building a career plane and developing soft skills at an 
early career stage. A group of 32 students were a part the webinar. Dr. Kankana Ghoshal was the 
recourse person of the webinar.

Career Opportunities in Banking Sectors
Every bank's success is due in large part to the dedication and skill of its people. Working in any 
aspect of banking can be very rewarding and fulfilling. It can also provide interesting new 
challenges every single day.
There will always be a need for banks to hire and train talented, motivated, resourceful and customer- oriented people. Your success will depend on your commitment to the bank, your aptitude for developing knowledge and skills, your positive attitude, and your ability to work well with others and adapt to change.
As e-commerce and online banking technology continue to expand, tech-savvy individuals will always  be in demand.
Banking is a profession that offers a huge variety of opportunities as well as the possibility of early responsibility, rapid career progression, and good pay and benefits. For those willing to accept the challenge, the rewards can be great.
Times Professional Learning (Times Pro) is the education wing of Times of India group. The Times of  India Group began its operations in 1838 and is India's oldest and largest media house. The Times of India is the world's largest-selling English  ewspaper with over 5 million copies sold daily. The Times Group is also India's most diversified media conglomerate with assets across Publishing, 
Radio, TV, Out of Home (OOH) and Online Media.
We wanted to motivate our students for choosing career as a banker. So a webinar has been arranged 
by us through the online platform of Zoom cloud meet on 24.01.2022 with the support of Times 
Professional Learning. We should note that 36 students were interested and attended the webinar.

Motivational seminar on various government jobs
Unacademy is a Indian online education technology company based in Bangalore. It was originally 
created as a YouTube channel in 2010 by Gaurav Munjal. As a company, it was founded by Roman Saini, 
Gaurav Munjal, Hemesh Singh in 2015, and is headquartered in Bangalore. The company has a network 
of over 12,000 educators, and offers preparation material for several professional and educational 
entrance exams.
Unacademy lessons are in the form of free videos, and via subscription. Unacademy provides 
preparation study material for students aspiring for civil services, bank jobs and other 
competitive exams in India.
Every year millions of aspirants appear for various government jobs. Government jobs are perceived 
as stable with great opportunities for growth at both personal and professional levels.  Hence, 
these jobs are highly sought after by the aspirants. Therefore, they look for the perfect strategy 
help on how to prepare for Govt Jobs.
Every year, various exams are conducted by IBPS, SSC, RRB, UPSC, WBPSC etc., to recruit lakhs of 
candidates for various government posts. Not every candidate is able to turn their aspirations into 
reality. The way they prepare for Government job exams and their preparation approach make them 
stand out from the crowd. Keeping that in mind, a motivational seminar in collaboration with 
Unacademy has been arranged 0n 06.04.2022 to motivate students in various exams are conducted by 
central and state government agencies. More than 140 students were benefited by this seminar.

Job Prospect and Future Job Market for College Students
Artificial intelligence accelerates the automation of electric vehicle driving, and that artificial 
intelligence algorithms that are widely used in electric vehicles have changed over time, and that 
technology areas of electric vehicles that AI affects also have been changed.
Today, some cities around the world have tended to use new technologies and become smart city. New 
technologies improve the quality of citizens’ life. However, the use of any technology raises new 
issues and challenges. In a smart city, the vulnerable action of an individual or organization can 
put the entire city at risk. Due to the reliance of various components of smart cities on 
information and communication technology, cyber-security challenges (such as information leakage 
and malicious cyber-attacks) in this field affect smart cities behavior.
Qmansys Infosolutions is a corporate entity that works in the field of Smart City, Telecom, 
Electric Vehicles and their Charging Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Robotic Process automation 
and Training & Placement specialist for Corporate and Colleges.
Remembering the importance of building a career works in the field of Smart City, Telecom, Electric 
Vehicles and their Charging Systems, Artificial Intelligence a webinar has been arranged by us on 
268.06.2022 through the online platform of Google meet for motivating students to choose a career 
in the field of Smart City, Telecom, Electric Vehicles and their Charging Systems, Artificial 
Intelligence. A group of 50 students were a part the webinar.